Days After APK v10.7.1 (MOD, Free Craft, Immortality, Dumb Enemy, Fast Travel)
Days After APK v10.7.1 (MOD, Free Craft, Immortality, Dumb Enemy, Fast Travel)

Days After APK v10.7.1 (MOD, Free Craft, Immortality, Dumb Enemy, Fast Travel)

With Days After Premium apk you get access to all features. Some of these are free craft, immortality, stupid enemy, fast travel and more.

Name Days After
Genre Simulation
Size 150.3 MB
Version 10.7.1
MOD Free Craft, Immortality, Dumb Enemy, Fast Travel
Get it On Google Play
Days After is the most famous version in the Days After series of publisher REACTGAMES STUDIO LIMITED
Mod Version 10.7.1
Total installs 5,000,000+

The end came suddenly. One moment, life seemed normal. The next, chaos reigned as corpses dragged themselves from their graves, hungering for living flesh. Now, you find yourself alone in a crumbling warehouse, scrounging for supplies amidst the wreckage of civilization. Outside, roving hordes of undead shuffle through the streets. Your only goal is simple – survive.

Welcome to Days After, a brutal and unforgiving survival simulation set in a post-apocalyptic zombie wasteland. Here, there are no respawns or second chances – one mistake could mean a grisly demise. Resources are scarce, threats numerous. Your sole advantage is your wits and whatever you can craft from scavenged materials. It will take nerves of steel and tough decision-making to endure in this bleak new world.

Days After

Scavenging and Crafting for Survival

Salvation begins with scavenging. Dilapidated buildings and abandoned vehicles hold the tools and materials needed to craft weapons, traps, and shelters. Sharp blades and sturdy clubs allow engaging the undead in close combat, while bows crafted from salvaged pipes and string provide a stealthier option. Scrounging also yields medical supplies like bandages and disinfectant to treat inevitable wounds.

As supplies are gathered, the crafting system unleashes creativity. Dozens of recipes combine scavenged parts into ever-more powerful gear. Spike traps and alarms fortify safehouses, while upgraded bows pick off threats from afar. Eventually, survivors can craft guns scavenged from fallen enemies, turning the tables against the hordes. It’s immensely satisfying to evolve from scrounging mere scraps into a self-sufficient survivor.

Day R Survival

Base Building and Community

Safety lies in numbers and fortification. As time passes, survivors may establish safehouses by repairing existing buildings or constructing shelters from scratch. Boarding up windows, setting alarms and stockpiling supplies slowly transforms structures into strongholds. More advanced survivors can establish hydroponic farms, water collectors and generators to rebuild the foundations of civilization.

Days After also features a persistent online campaign where survivors can join forces. Here, factions must work together to gradually reclaim the map from encroaching hordes. Major community events like raids and supply caravans encourage teamwork and diplomacy, while leaderboards track each group’s progress. Building alliances and trading with other survivors introduces social mechanics amidst the struggle for survival.

A Harsh Simulation

Make no mistake – Days After aims to deliver the harshest of survival experiences. Where other games hold players’ hands, this one plays for keeps. Resources are sparse, threats numerous. Even minor injuries threaten life without prompt treatment. Ammo must be conserved through careful aim, while stealth, traps and distractions are key to emerging victorious from encounters.

Mistakes are punished severely. Permadeath means a single error can end a character permanently, raising stakes with each new life. Meanwhile, morally gray decisions around allying or betrayal add further tension. Is protecting a fellow survivor worth risking your supplies? Does a group prioritize the few, or sacrifice some to save more? There are no easy answers in this bleak world.

Evolving Gameplay

Days After provides immense replay value through its evolving gameplay. New characters can specialize down different ability trees focusing on combat, survival or crafting. Strength, dexterity and other core attributes also level up organically based on actions taken, with skills improving through repeated use. It’s immensely satisfying to gradually transform a green refugee into a seasoned veteran.

Frequent major updates also introduce randomized challenges, unique zombie mutations and additional story arcs to keep each new campaign fresh. As the infection spreads across the map, players must adapt to new threats or cooperate to overcome powerful bosses. Meanwhile, community events encourage teamwork against increasingly dire odds. No two playthroughs are ever the same in the randomly evolving wasteland.

Days After 3

Brutal Zombie Encounters

While many games treat the undead as mindless cannon fodder, Days After delivers truly tactical zombie encounters. Different species like fast runners or hulking bruisers pose unique threats requiring different strategies. Carefully targeting limbs can cripple foes, bringing them down for execution or leaving them to slowly bleed out. Meanwhile, even small groups require caution – noise or exposed flesh draws others to the chaos.

Environmental awareness is key to success. Luring zombies into traps buys time to recover or pick off stragglers. Distractions can split up crowds for easier picking. It takes nerves of steel to maneuver amidst shambling hordes, constantly watching one’s back lest more join the fray. Where other games rely on numbers, Days After forces outmaneuvering single threats through patience and precision. Survival is never guaranteed against the undead masses.

The Hardest Road Ahead

For those seeking an even greater challenge, Days After offers a “Nightmare” difficulty mode. Here, resources become more rare, threats more numerous and dangerous. A single bite or scratch almost guarantees a grisly demise. Ammo must be conserved with laser focus, while even minor injuries threaten life. Stealth and avoidance become mandatory to survive encounters rather than prevail.

In Nightmare, scavenging a single building could take an hour of meticulous planning. Crafting the most basic of tools requires immense investment. Yet for the toughest survivors, overcoming these odds through cunning and perseverance provides the deepest sense of accomplishment. Where other players see only desolation, the hardened few may begin to rebuild in the harshest of apocalypses.

Days After presents a brutal vision of societal collapse where life hangs by a thread. Its deep simulation immerses players in a gritty, unforgiving struggle for survival. While death and danger lurk around every corner, working together and gradually improving one’s character provides hope even in the darkest of wastelands. For those seeking the ultimate post-apocalyptic challenge, Days After will test both players’ wits and nerves to their limits.

A Living World

While the core of Days After is survival through crafting and combat, the game aims to immerse players in a living, breathing post-apocalyptic world. Throughout the map, random events spawn that impact survivors. A raging forest fire may force relocation of a safehouse. A gas leak at a power plant could spark an explosive zombie ambush. Scavenging runs may encounter roaming bandit gangs or desperate refugee encampments in need of aid.

Interaction with NPC groups adds roleplaying dimensions. Some communities are open to trade or alliance, while others are hostile scavengers that must be avoided or fought. Convincing wary survivors to join a faction introduces social mechanics. Meanwhile, helping or ignoring desperate NPCs fleeing zombie hordes impacts reputation and future interactions. No two playthroughs experience the exact same sequence of randomized events and encounters.

Evolving Threats

As time passes in-game, the infection mutates and spreads. New variants of the undead emerge, each posing fresh dangers. “Runners” are fast but fragile, able to swarm victims from a distance. “Brutes” are slow but heavily armored, requiring concentrated firepower or traps to fell. Meanwhile, “Lurkers” camouflage amidst the environment before ambushing unaware survivors.

Advanced special infected mutate further, becoming towering “Behemoths” that crush survivors, or plague-ridden “Bloaters” that spread toxic gas on death. Coordinated “Hordes” of common infected swarm in the hundreds, requiring explosives or chokepoint defenses to control. Players must continually adapt strategies and gear to the evolving threats, keeping even veteran survivors on their toes.

Days After 2

A Living Economy

In the online campaign, a living economy emerges organically through player interactions. As factions establish strongholds, surplus crafting materials become commodities for trade. Weapon components, medical supplies and construction goods flow between settlements, establishing a barter system. Weapons smiths and farmers specialize production to meet demand. Meanwhile, mercenary groups offer escort services through dangerous regions for a fee.

Over time, certain settlements may dominate the production of high-level goods like firearms or energy cells, becoming hubs of commerce. Others guard valuable resources or control strategic chokepoints, allowing them to demand tribute from others. Criminal factions may attempt to control trade routes through piracy and raiding. Players are free to engage in this emergent economy however they choose, from peaceful merchants to cutthroat raiders.

A New Dawn

For the hardiest of survivors, the ultimate goal is reclaiming the wasteland from the encroaching hordes. Through cooperation, factions gradually push back infection zones, retaking landmarks across the map region by region. Military fortifications are established, farmland is reclaimed, and settlements flourish once more. Electricity and communications are restored at strategic hubs.

In the hardest-fought regions, factions construct towering fortress-cities with walls, guard towers and motorized defenses. From these strongholds, raids are launched into the deepest infection pockets, culling the remaining threats. Landmarks are purified through massive zombie culls, becoming safe havens. Over time, the last vestiges of infection are eradicated, and survivors celebrate having won back their world from the brink of extinction. Of course, nothing is certain in the apocalypse…

The Hardest Road

For those craving an even deeper challenge, “Nightmare” difficulty awaits. Here, death is nearly guaranteed from a single bite or scratch. Ammo must be hoarded with monastic focus, while even minor wounds threaten life. Stealth and avoidance are mandatory, as direct combat is suicidal. Scavenging the simplest of tools could take an entire in-game day of meticulous planning and execution.

Progress is an excruciatingly slow, incremental process measured in micro-advances rather than leaps. Yet for those who overcome these nearly impossible odds through sheer perseverance, mastery and achievement are profound. Where others see only desolation, the hardened few learn to rebuild even in the harshest of wastelands.

A Grim Beginning

You awaken alone in the ruined warehouse, sunlight filtering through cracks in the boarded walls. Your head pounds – the last thing you remember is the screams, then darkness. Gingerly sitting up, you assess your situation. Tattered clothes barely cover wounds sustained in your escape. Scavenging the debris, you find a rusty pipe and a handful of scraps that could be used for crafting.

Venturing to shattered windows, you peer outside. The city streets are silent, abandoned vehicles rusting amidst piles of refuse. Then, in the distance, a shambling figure appears. Its skin hangs in tatters, jaws snapping as milky eyes search left and right. You realize with dread – the rumors were true. Now, only one goal drives you – survive.

Steeling your nerves, you begin exploring the warehouse for supplies. Creaking floors threaten to give way as you creep through musty rooms. Behind a collapsed shelf, you find a toolkit, some bandages and a half-empty water bottle. Every resource could mean the difference between life and death. After treatment and rest, your condition is stabilized, if still dire. Now, the real struggle begins…

Days After 1

A Perilous First Day

Emerging from the warehouse at dusk, you scout the nearby area. Several small houses appear intact, though god-knows-what awaits within. As night falls, you barricade inside the sturdiest dwelling, covering windows and barring the door. Through cracks, shuffling figures prowl the streets, drawn by some unseen urge. Sleep brings no rest – only nightmares of rending teeth and soulless eyes.

At dawn, you venture out to search the houses, pipe raised defensively. The first is clear, yielding only scraps. In the second, a corpse lunges from a closet with an anguished groan. After a panic-stricken scuffle, you emerge victorious if shaken. Exploring further, basic supplies and a rusty hatchet are found – valuable gains despite the close call. With the sun rising, you return exhausted to your shelter, praying for another safe night.

Learning Hard Lessons

Over the next week, you push yourself to explore farther each day, driven by necessity. Scavenging yields materials to craft snares, traps and rudimentary weapons from salvaged parts. Slowly, survival skills develop where before there was only fear. You learn to stealthily reconnoiter areas, to spot infected shuffling amidst the ruins. The hatchet and pipe, once unfamiliar, become extensions of your arm.

Close calls continue as well, teaching brutal lessons. Venturing at night proves a mistake, resulting in a desperate rooftop escape from a pack of lurkers. Infection sets in from a deep bite, only cured through feverish treatment. Weakened, you barely avoid capture by a roaming bandit gang. Each trial hones hard-earned wisdom – to avoid risks, trust no one, and never let your guard down, even for a moment. Survival is a battle constantly waged and never won.

A Glimmer of Hope

Two weeks in, you’ve established a safehouse with stockpiles of salvaged gear. Patrols let you map the surrounding areas, noting locations of use. Wandering the outskirts, shouts ring out – a group is under attack by a pack of infected. Heart in your throat, you creep closer and see their defenses breaking. Steeling your resolve, a well-placed shot draws the pack away long enough for a retreat.

The ragtag survivors thank you profusely, introducing themselves as Jackson, Elise and Miguel. Through them, you learn of others also trying to rebuild in the city. With supplies and manpower combined, goals shift from mere survival – why not push to reclaim more territory? With cautious cooperation, perhaps hope remains, even now, for rebuilding some semblance of community. Your first allies are gained, and a new chapter begins in the long struggle ahead…

Days After 4

The Fight to Reclaim

Working with your new companions, plans are made. Scouting parties will map the nearby areas, noting infected concentrations and potential threats. Salvage teams collect materials to fortify your safehouse into a stronghold. Patrols push outward in a perimeter to push back initial hordes. Through it all, you coordinate efforts, gaining experience in leadership.

Step by step, block by block, territory is reclaimed. Abandoned structures are searched and fortified, expanding your radius of control. Traps cull outliers from hordes, thinning their ranks for following assaults. Other survivors are contacted via radio, some joining your efforts while others remain suspicious. Tensions emerge between aggressive expansion and maintaining defensive positions. But under your guidance, no lives are lost, just ground regained.

One month in, your group has carved out a sizable safe zone. Farms are planted, generators fueled by wind and scavenged fuel. With basic infrastructure restored, more survivors brave the perimeter to join your growing community. Through it all, you have endured, learning and adapting. Now, the real fight begins to push back the borders further, and bring true civilization back from the ashes of the old world. The long road to rebuilding has only just started…

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