Niffelheim: Vikings Survival APK v1.5.96 (MOD, Unlimited Money, Menu, Premium)
Niffelheim: Vikings Survival APK v1.5.96 (MOD, Unlimited Money, Menu, Premium)

Niffelheim: Vikings Survival APK v1.5.96 (MOD, Unlimited Money, Menu, Premium)

Maximize the enjoyment of the game with Niffelheim: Vikings Survival premium apk! In this version, you start the game with unlimited money and premium features.

Name Niffelheim: Vikings Survival
Publisher Ellada Games LLC
Genre Role Playing
Size 602.2 MB
Version 1.5.96
MOD Unlimited Money, Menu, Premium
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Niffelheim: Vikings Survival is the most famous version in the Niffelheim: Vikings Survival series of publisher Ellada Games LLC
Mod Version 1.5.96
Total installs 100,000+

Niffelheim throws you headfirst into a brutal Viking-themed survival sandbox filled with mythical beasts and vengeful gods. Built on the ashes of Valhalla, Niffelheim’s procedurally generated world is cloaked in an eternal cold darkness that will gnaw at your bones. Embark on this journey alone, or with friends, to test your mettle against hordes of undead Vikings and creatures straight from Norse legends.

Niffelheim Viking Survival

Surviving the Harsh Lands

The frigid lands of Niffelheim will test even the hardiest Viking warriors. You’ll need to hunt, harvest, mine, and craft equipment and structures to withstand the relentless darkness.

Managing needs like hunger, thirst, and exposure are key. Food can be found by foraging colorful mushroom forests or hunting wild boar and deer. Quench thirst by drinking from streams or crafting mead at the cauldron. Stay warm near campfires, torches, and in shelters, or risk freezing to death.

This unforgiving landscape holds many mysteries waiting to be uncovered. Discover rare materials and blueprints to craft new weapons, structures, and magic items. Keep pushing further out to find secrets and clues regarding your purpose in this gloomy realm.

Crafting & Base-Building

The crafting system allows you to construct everything from crude stone tools to ornate armor and weapons. Gather components by chopping down glowing Ancient Trees, mining colorful crystal clusters, or defeating undead foes. Use Blueprints discovered on your journeys to unlock new crafting recipes at the Cauldron or Forge.

Building a shelter against the darkness is critical to survival. Fortify a small camp or construct an elaborate fortress piece-by-piece. Place structures like Walls, Doors, Spikes, Ladders, and Roofs to establish an impenetrable stronghold. Install crafting stations, resource production, servants, and other modules to make it truly functional. Your home base will be a beacon of warmth and safety.

Niffelheim Viking Survival 1

Exploring Biomes & Dungeons

Venturing out during the days, you’ll stumble upon new biomes like the ominous Cursed Forest with its warped, screaming trees and the foreboding stone formations of the Barrow Cliffs. Discover what treasures or foes lurk within these areas.

But true glory awaits for those brave enough to explore Niffelheim’s treacherous dungeons. These multi-level labyrinths are filled with vile creatures and rewarding loot for Vikings bold enough to plunder their depths.

Niffelheim Viking Survival 5

Huginn & Muninn

While exploring, you may come across large raven statues known as Huginn & Muninn. These statues mark the location of hidden dungeons packed with vile foes and epic gear. Venture into their depths alone or with friends to test your skills against their champions.

Defeating these dungeons provide clue fragments that reveal Niffelheim’s secrets when collected. Piece together exactly why Odin has forsaken his warriors to this realm of darkness.

Huginn & Muninn Dungeons offer Niffelheim’s biggest challenges but also the greatest rewards!

Niffelheim Viking Survival 2

Deities & Cults

The gods have not completely forgotten those trapped in Niffelheim. Shrines found throughout the world provide unique permanent buffs as offerings are made to them over time.

But beware the fickle nature of these Asgardian overlords. Build up enough favor with a deity and you may join their cult. These cults unlock god-specific crafting recipes and magic items. However, joining a cult may cause you to lose favor with other gods or even gain their wrath!

Niffelheim Viking Survival 3

Mythical Beasts & Undead Hordes

Niffelheim’s night spawns all manner of foes. You’ll need to defend against aggressive wildlife like wolves and bears, supernatural horrors like wraiths and giant spiders, and even undead Vikings thirsty for battle.

Venture into the Veiled Pit to take on epic bosses like Helheim’s Frost Giant and the mighty Jormungandr with hopes of gaining their forbidden knowledge. Gather allies, craft legendary weapons and armor, master magic, and formulate a strategy before battling these mythical beasts.

While nights are dangerous, defeating these challenging foes provides key materials for crafting and clues to escaping Niffelheim. Take advantage of the darkness to gather rare resources and grow your power.

Niffelheim Viking Survival 4

Gameplay Tips

Surviving Niffelheim takes preparation and knowledge. Use these tips to stay alive against the dangers of darkness:

  • Prioritize shelter, warmth, and food/water in early days
  • Craft better weapons, armor, and food as soon as possible
  • Explore during day to gather materials and discoveries
  • Return home before night to avoid lethal cold or beasts
  • Build portal to fast travel between base and distant points
  • Take allies when tackling dungeons and epic bosses
  • Balance risk and reward when joining deity cults


Is there a story campaign in Niffelheim?

There is no structured story campaign. Niffelheim offers sandbox survival gameplay focused on crafting, exploration, and battling mythical beasts. Players must piece together the story behind this realm from discoveries found in the world and dungeons.

Is there multiplayer/co-op functionality?

Yes! Niffelheim supports online multiplayer for 2-10 players allowing friends to survive the darkness together in a shared world.

Can you tame or breed animals?

Currently, you cannot tame wildlife in the game. However, future content updates may include the ability to breed boars and deer for a more reliable food source.

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